Engagement - Light Pink Roses


The "Forever Young" collection fits an array of color palettes with its neutral blush, sage and ivory tones. This flower collection is our most popular and includes all the stems you need to recreate the bouquets listed.


The Engagement rose is a vibrant peach, blush, and light pink hybrid. Adds a beautiful pop of color to more neutral-toned color palettes. These roses are sold by the bunch (25 Stems). 

Recommended Complementing Packages: Forever Young, Twilight, Eternity, Elegant White. 

*Not sold separately. Must be purchased in conjunction with a package.

*Perfect for adding additional volume to package bouquets or centerpieces.

*Can be deconstructed and used for petals.

*Great for bud vases or additional decor: cake, ceremony, aisle markers, chuppa. 

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